I realize I lost some of you already once you saw the title of this post, but bear with me and I will share with you a deliciously different way to prepare your morning eggs.
Moreover, depending on which brand of pizza sauce you use (I like Great Value), this recipe is CSID friendly. Jayson has eggs almost every day for breakfast, and this is his favorite way to have eggs. I have never seen him turn pizza eggs down, especially if I cut it into wedges for him like a real pizza.
Anyway, this is surprisingly tasty. I would even eat it, and not only if I had to, even though I don't really like scrambled eggs. "You do not like them/so you say./Try them! Try them!/And you may./Try them and you may I say," (Green Eggs and Ham, Dr Seuss).
Oh, by the way, this recipe can easily be scaled up or down as you like, although I wouldn't really recommend scaling too far down.
Skip the tutorial and go straight to the recipe.
Step 1:
Preheat and grease a
medium (10-inch) nonstick skillet over medium heat.
Step 2:

In a small-ish bowl, combine
2 large eggs,
1 Tbsp pizza sauce,
1 tsp basil (dried or fresh, your pick),
1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese,
salt, and
black pepper.
You can use whatever brand of pizza sauce you love, although the Great Value brand is CSID friendly. Also, I never really have fresh basil on hand, so I always use dried, and it seems to work really well. As far as the Parmesan goes, I really think that the shredded works well here, but if all you have is the powdered/grated cheese in a green container that is fine too. On that note, you could also use Mozzarella, but it's too stringy for my taste. In a pinch I have also used cottage cheese, but with similar results to the Mozzarella.
Step 3:
Scramble the eggs.
Okay fine, here is a video showing how I like to prepare these eggs. Please forgive the poor quality—I'm a food scientist, not a videographer-type person.
Step 4:

Slice the disc into wedges, not unlike a pizza, and serve to the screaming, starving toddler already.
Um, I mean serve it to whoever wants it.
And in case you didn't believe me that Jayson loves these eggs, here is internet-borne photographic proof.
No really, he does love these eggs. Truly.

It's almost scary (^_^)
Pizza-style scrambled eggs:
Yields 2 eggs
2 large eggs
Salt and ground black pepper
1 Tbsp pizza sauce
1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1 tsp dried Basil, or its fresh equivalent
Preheat and grease a medium non-stick skillet of your choice. In a small bowl, combine all ingredients until more or less homogeneous. Pour the eggs into the prepared pan and let sit a few seconds before gently moving the "curds" around, eventually forming a circle.Allow to cook 1-2 minutes before flipping and allowing to cook another 1-2 minutes, or until done. Slice into pieces and serve.
This recipe was printed from Dinner in the Life of a Dad (samslaugh.blogspot.com)
Pizza-style Scrambled Eggs
2 egg dish
Scrambled eggs with pizza-style seasonings.
2 large eggs
Salt to taste
Black Pepper to taste
1 Tbsp pizza sauce
1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1/4 tsp dried basil
Preheat and grease a medium non-stick skillet of your choice. In a small bowl, combine all ingredients until more or less homogeneous. Pour the eggs into the prepared pan and let sit a few seconds before gently moving the "curds" around, eventually forming a circle.Allow to cook 1-2 minutes before flipping and allowing to cook another 1-2 minutes, or until done. Slice into pieces and serve.
i love the video...i may give these a try, I think Audrey would love them and I love trying new breakfast foods, especially if they involve cheese.
ReplyDeletehave you thought about adding pepperoni to it somehow?
ReplyDeleteI think you would have to pre-cook or fry the pepperoni before you pour the eggs into the pan. It would probably also be good to cut it into smaller pieces. But it sounds delicious.